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Hello, I'm your TaxMate! I would be happy to support you in getting to know us and our services better. If you answer a few simple questions, I can tell you exactly which service is right for you!
You are welcome to book a call for a consultation session with one of our experts! In the call, you can ask tax questions, e.g. to clarify whether you can claim certain costs from your tax equalization.
You can easily make an appointment with Natalie Enzinger or Felix Eder-Hofer here: crypto-tax.at
Here you get to the website of questr where you will find all information about it
Please book a call with us so we can discuss what we can do for you. Of course, you can also ask tax questions during the call.
You are eligible for our package deal, please book your desired package in the next step


Steuererklärung für kleine EPUs
inkl. 20% MwSt.
  • Pauschallösung für Kleinunternehmer
  • nur wenige Details notwendig
  • Einfach Belege und Unterlagen hochladen
  • Pauschalpreis für deine Steuererklärung
  • die richtige Lösung für alle Kleinunternehmer ohne große Betriebsausgaben

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Information in accordance with Section 5 ECG

Enzinger Steuerberatung GmbH
Herrengasse 26
8010 Graz

WT-Code: 807991
UID-Number: ATU78449519
Register number: LG ZRS Graz, FN 586736 y
Telephone number: +43 316 838 734
Fax number: +43 316 838734-49
Internet: www.enzinger-stb.at
Email: office@enzinger-stb.at
Trade according to GewO: services in automatic data processing and information technology
Trade regulations: www.ris.bka.gv.at
Supervisory authority: Municipality of Graz

Member of the Styrian Chamber of Commerce, professional association UBIT

Responsible for the content
Enzinger Steuerberatung GmbH
Herrengasse 26
8010 Graz

Consumers have the opportunity to submit complaints to the EU online dispute resolution platform.

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You can also find our crypto tax newsletter on cryptotax!

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